Seasonal Allergy Relief: A 3-Pronged Approach
on Mar 13, 2024
Growing up in New England I suffered from hayfever in the spring and summer. The itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing were never anything I looked forward to, and they came every year. Now I know a lot more, and am happy to share it with you.
First off, medically known as perennial allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergies affect the nasal mucosa with symptoms of sneezing, nasal congestion, pruritus (itchy skin), and rhinorrhea (runny nose).

There are three areas that support reducing your susceptibility to seasonal allergies:
These are what I use as my first line of defense:
- Nasal spray/neti pot - I typically only use this before bed, but during allergy season use it 2-3x daily. I like Xlear nasal spray.
- Hydrate - dry mucous membranes are more susceptible to inflammation
- Victory Elixir* - allergy, immune, and respiratory support
- Avoiding foods that you are sensitive to (for me that’s conventional baked desserts, and dairy with added sugar)
- Swabbing inside my nose with salve using a Q-tip to block pollen absorption
- Nettles Infusion* - antihistamine, vitamins, minerals, respiratory, immune and digestive assistant
- Use an air filter when the windows are closed
- Removing shoes at the front door to reduce pollen being tracked into your home
When I can feel my allergies starting to turn up I will add on the following:
- Quercetin* - apples, onions, shallots, capers, berries, green tea
- Homeopathy - Ollois has an allergy kit (TASHAROSE for a discount)
- Local raw honey - provides small exposures to your local pollens
- Showering more often (to wash off pollen)
- Changing clothes when returning home
- N-acetylcysteine (NAC)*
- Vitamin C*
- Bromelain*
As a last resort I will use Claritin or other OTC conventional medicine.
I hope these seasonal allergy tips help you!

*PMID: 11056414