Tasha Rose Blog
The Benefits of Ear Oiling

The Benefits of Ear Oiling

When I oil my ears I find that I am more grounded, pleasant, and…
Ayurveda: Understanding and Balancing Your Kapha Dosha

Ayurveda: Understanding and Balancing Your Kapha Dosha

Kapha contains the elements of earth and water. In its balanced state, Kapha is loving, gentle, and compassionate. When imbalanced, the following health disorders can be associated with Kapha…
Ayurveda: Understanding and Balancing Your Pitta Dosha

Ayurveda: Understanding and Balancing Your Pitta Dosha

Pitta contains the elements of fire and water. When balanced, Pitta is joyful and radiates warmth and enthusiasm. But when aggravated, Pitta can…
Ayurveda: Understanding and Balancing Your Vata Dosha

Ayurveda: Understanding and Balancing Your Vata Dosha

Vata is the most powerful of the doshas and when balanced will maintain energy, breath, movement, the discharge of impulses, equilibrium of the…

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