Why Organic Elderberry Syrup is a Must-Have for Immune Support

Black Elder cure colds elderberry syrup fight bacteria immune support Influenza A Influenza B stimulates immune response Water-derived elderberry extracts

Why Organic Elderberry Syrup is a Must-Have for Immune Support

Let’s get right to the point. Shall we? Elderberry has been scientifically proven to support the activation of the immune system and prevent the replication of viruses, as well as being active against bacteria. Full stop. Do you need to read that again?

Elderberries have some pretty amazing benefits. It’s no wonder I always have a bottle of our organic Elderberry Syrup in the fridge for the first sign of sniffles or scratchy throat.

In addition to all the modern research, Elderberry has been used for centuries to treat upper respiratory infections and support health in the wintertime when we seem more susceptible to these bugs.

Here are the major takeaways about Elderberry (a plant in the sambucus family with multiple genuses, including nigra) from study results published in scholarly journals on PubMed.

Proven to inhibit the infectious activity of viruses (PMID: 26645032)

In a study with influenza A & B symptoms were relieved on average 4 days earlier with Elderberry Syrup (PMID: 15080016)

Significant reduction of cold duration and severity (PMID: 27023596)

Shown to inhibit the viral replication and block the virus attachment of human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63) (PMID: 31560964)

Water-derived elderberry extracts induce potent immune-modulatory effects, which represents the basis for a strong immune-mediated response to viruses including influenza compared to alcohol extracts that do not do this (PMID: 35409309)

Stimulates immune response and prevents viral infection (PMID: 22972323)

Inhibits replication of influenza A, B, swine flu and turkey flu, significant improvement of the symptoms within 2 days, complete cure in 2-3 days in 90% compared to up to 6 days in the placebo (PMID: 9395631)

Most of the research focuses on viruses (influenza A, B, swine flu, common cold, and recently coronavirus), but there’s also examples of elderberry protecting against
bacterial infections. Active against human pathogenic bacteria (Gram-positive bacteria of Streptococcus pyogenes and group C and G Streptococci, and the Gram-negative bacterium Branhamella catarrhalisas) well as influenza viruses (PMID: 21352539)

Ok, so if you want to go down the scientific study of elderberry rabbit hole, click any of the links above and read on to your heart's content. Want to know more about the plant itself and some of its more magical qualities? Stay with me.

Black Elder (Sambucus nigra) is a shrub that can easily grow into a tree. It grows in
Europe and North America, tolerating many environments and enjoying full sun. Each spring it produces clusters of tiny cream colored flowers called elderflowers. These flowers can connect us to the realm of above and fairies, and they have a strong connection to children, representing purity and innocence. Elderflowers tend to be gentle, yet profound.

Then as the heat of summer arrives, the flowers wither and the berries ripen. Depending on the genus of the plant they range in color from a dusty light blue to a deep, dark purple.

The berries are typically dried and then extracted in water (sometimes glycerine or alcohol), though as referenced above, water extraction is the superior method. Anthocyanins in the elderberries turn the water a deep purple and these are the compounds that stimulate and support our immune, respiratory systems and more. Elderberries are not sweet on their own. They have an affinity for the root and heart chakras, promoting a sense of being centered and open simultaneously. Which makes sense to me because when I am feeling vibrant and healthy I also feel centered and open, and elderberry helps bring us back to vibrant health.

I hope you learned something new reading this. Let me know if you have any questions about Elder.

Tasha Rose Elderberry Syrup

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